Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 noon
and Thursdays, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
CLOSED - All Federal Holidays
Our mission is to obtain food and support from public and private sources
for distribution to individuals and families requiring temporary assistance. The food
we distribute is for residents of Warren County in emergency situations and for transients
in need of food. We are an all volunteer organization with no paid employees. The United
Way has helped us in many ways since our inception, but we are not a United Way agency;
therefore we do not receive any funds from this organization. Every dime we receive goes to
the purchase of food, our rent, and the few supplies we need. |
The Food Pantry was the idea of Barbara Tolliver, former Executive Director of the
United Way, and the Reverends Diane and Bill Livingston, formerly of Christ Episcopal Church to create a single agency in the community to provide food for the needy.
They then enlisted a group of 45 interested people representing the different churches, agencies, and organizations from Warren County. The name Storehouse
Community Food Pantry was decided upon using a biblical reference (Malachi 3:10) as we are a Judeo-Christian organization. We have been in existence for
the last twenty years and provide food for over 4000 individuals per year. Since we provide food for three days for each
person in the household, this equates to approximately 40,000 meals per year. |

In order to be served, a photo ID and Social Security
cards on all members of the household must be presented and other
pertinent information provided. We cannot sustain the recipients but are here for
emergencies only. Assistance may be given up to six times in twelve months
but they must wait at least 30 days between any visits. The food bags
consist of such items when available, as canned fruit, canned vegetables,
canned meat, soup, cereal, grits, oatmeal, evaporated or powdered milk,
tomato sauce, spaghetti, rice, dried beans, macaroni and cheese, crackers,
peanut butter and jelly, bread, flour, sugar, cornmeal, juice, toilet
tissue, soap, hot dogs or frozen chicken and any other items which have
been donated. |

If you need more information you may call
601-461-8269 or send an email to
We receive food from food drives at the schools, churches, organizations,
Postal Carriers Drive, and individuals but monetary donations are needed. It takes about $3500 a month lately for us to operate because much of what
we give out must be bought. Our demand is so much greater now because of the economy and natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes that we have
experienced in the last few years. For a list of the items most needed click
Donations can be sent to this address:
- Storehouse Community Food Pantry
- P.O. Box 820914
- Vicksburg, Mississippi 39182
You can also donate to the Storehouse Community Food Pantry using your credit card or Paypal.
The Storehouse Community Food Pantry has been accepted into the Kroger Community Rewards
Program. Through this program, Kroger sets aside funds to be given to selected charities. The payback to the charity is based on the spending of Kroger customers
designating that charity. The spending is tracked through your Kroger Plus Card. To participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program you need a Kroger Plus Card,
which you can get at the customer service desk of your favorite Kroger store and you need to set up an online account at www.kroger.com . Then just by shopping at your
favorite Kroger Store you will be supporting the Storehouse Community Food Pantry.
To help you to create your online Kroger account and to sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards
Program, Click HERE for step by step instructions.